Today marks the first anniversary since Kiri Kiri Basara was started! In this article, I’m going to discuss the story behind this site’s creation, including the ideas behind it. I’ll also share some old (and frankly, terrible) designs for the site. Mainly though, I’m writing this article to thank you all for supporting the site.
So, how did I get the idea to create this site? Well, I have no idea myself. I saw that domain was for sale and I bought it. It took me a few days to figure out what I want to do with the domain. A while back, I used to write about the news on Czech aviation for my first blog, so I already knew a thing or two about managing news sites. It was then that the idea struck me—why not start a dedicated beginner-friendly site for SciADV information and news?
On February 10, 2018, Kiri Kiri Basara was officially launched. The site from back then is very different from the site you see now. Firstly, the logo was different, and more reminiscent of the Kiri Kiri Basara logo in Occultic;Nine.

From a design perspective, I think the original site design was far from ideal. Back then, I didn’t have a clear vision of how I wanted the site to look, and it ended up looking like a mishmash of different elements. I initially tried to model the site after the Kiri Kiri Basara website in Occultic;Nine’s anime adaptation, but that didn’t turn out well. Additionally, my English wasn’t the best back then—as a result, the site had many typos and other issues.

We’ve made an incredible amount of progress since the site started in February 2018. We went from a small, poorly written and designed blog managed by one person to a truly awesome website that I maintain with three other staff members. I’d like to thank Fasty, Davixxa, and Yink for joining me in making this site wonderful. Here’s hoping that we’ll be around for many more anniversaries to come!
And to all of our readers, thank you for supporting us through and through. Here’s to the successful future of not only this site, but also to the Science Adventure Series in the West!