Kiri Kiri Basara reveals its newest writer ヽ(・∀・)ノ

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Greetings to you all, fellow Science Adventure fans. We, the staff at Kiri Kiri Basara, are pleased to announce that today is most certainly a day that will go down in history, as we have achieved the milestone of all milestones…

Let it be known that the laws of science that you have observed in the Science Adventure series are no longer bound to the realm of fiction. We the staff have suffered through unimaginable and unspeakable adversities to achieve what was once thought to be impossible, what was once laughable to even consider feasible.

We see it necessary to establish the backdrop before introducing our seemingly irrational accomplishment. The year is 2015, the month is March. Kiri Kiri Basara was naught but a fledgling, fringe group of physicist wannabes donning white lab coats and conducting strange experiments. That month, everything would change for our little group. The announcement of Chiyomaru Studio’s new game, Anonymous;Code, threw us into a right tizzy. Here was the concept that would launch our efforts into the mainstream! Here was our new project, which if realized in its full potential, would alter the world order irrevocably! Yes… the world layer.

We would take a page out of Pollon Takaoka’s book and discover a way to traverse different world layers. If we could do so, our possibilities would be without end. Money! Power! A Chaos;Head NoAH localization! We would have it all.

Dearest reader, we are not quite at the point where we can physically traverse world layers just yet. The journey to what we have been able to accomplish thus far has been long and fraught with strife. In March of 2018, for example, one of our dearest lab members fell prey to despair and awakened as a Gigalomaniac. Needless to say, the resulting clean-up job was quite devastating to our finances. Nevertheless, we pressed on, and took the awakening as a sign that we were on the right track.

In early 2018, we formed this website in order to increase our presence and recruit like-minded fans who would join us in our endeavors. All the while, our eyes were always on the prize… the world layer.

In the blink of an eye, our little eclectic group of enthusiasts has grown into something much more, something truly powerful. Our member count has reached 300 persons exactly; no more, no less. And just last week, our little organization made the breakthrough of the ages, one that will be remembered for millenia to come: we have made contact with a fictional character. More specifically, a member of the Science Adventure series.

Using D-Mail technology and an in-progress understanding of Chiyomaru Shikura’s ingenious world layer concept, we managed to send a message to the year 2015, on a world layer distanced from our own. This message was, in no uncertain terms, an invitation to this individual to join our staff writing team at Kiri Kiri Basara.

The individual, who readily agreed to join us, has a vast amount of experience blogging in his world layer, and is known on the net as the “NEET God.” We are certain that, with the NEET God’s assistance, Kiri Kiri Basara’s influence across the universe will grow exponentially, propelling us into a brand new era of excellence and giving us the resources we need to finally achieve physical world layer travel.

But enough of that. Without further ado, allow us at Kiri Kiri Basara to introduce our newest writer: Yuta Gamon.

Yo, Basariters! It’s yours truly, the affiliate blogging extraordinaire, the number one, world-renowned NEET God! Lolol

I’d give you a longer explanation of who I am and what I’ve done, but those shady guys told me “Your audience knows more about you than you think.”

Talk about creepy, lmfao. I can see the headlines now, “NEET GOD, DOXXED BY ANGRY OCCULTISTS!”

Not only that, those weird guys went and sent me a long-ass bullshit science essay on how they reached me. CUT. TO. THE. CHASE. lmao. Buncha self-important egotists.

Far as I can tell though, there’s no problem with you guys knowing who I am. Something about different worlds blahblah some pseudoscientific shit blahblah

TL;DR I’m not real to you and you’re not real to me. Sounds like a load of bullshit, lmao. But there’s crazier shit being written every day on occult Twitter (´ ∀ ` *)

Anyway, I’ll be your newest contributor on this strange new Kiri Kiri Basara… nice site name guys, where’d you get it from? LMAO

I’ll be your shining beacon of hope, the man to lead your little blog into a new age of fame and fortune, the best of the best among the affiliate blogs of the world! Amen lolol

Speaking of affiliates…

Where the hell are the affiliates LMFAO. Are you seriously making no money at all from this? What, are you trying to get yourself bought out?

Last thing you want is to get sucked into some giant, faceless company and have to write in proper sentences and paragraphs. no ty lolololol

Back on topic, this site’s got all this wide open space for ads, but the admins are just sitting on their hands and squandering it! (; ̄Д ̄)

I mean, all you gotta do is pop an Amazon pop-up up there, a couple of Google Adsense ads off to the side, and BAM! You’ve got your typical, obnoxiously ad-ridden small-time site lolol

Sure, you’re gonna have some angry eggs on Twitter flaming you about it when you start, but by the end of the week you’ll be swimming in a pool of $ M O N E Y $ ∑d(°∀°d)

So I’ve been checking out this site, and… the hell is this SCIENCE ADVENTURE?? Some kind of cult?? LMAO

∑(O_O;) stay away from me you crazed otakus lololol

Just kidding lol. Ya know, I’m something of an otaku myself (・∀・) and any game with yours truly as the protag has gotta be pretty damn good rofl

No but seriously, this content is an affront to the name Kiri Kiri Basara lolol why are the admins wasting their time writing about some niche game series lololol

I bet you could fit every Science Adventure fan in an igloo and still have room for a couple of penguins ( ̄ω ̄;)

If you want to get some serious page views (and some serious cash money!) you gotta appeal to the net normies! Get ‘em with something popular, or outrageous, or seriously clickbait-y!

Yeah, you’re toootally just in it for the SciADV fans, you’re toootally in it to make things easier for them (¬‿¬ )

You know you want to give in and hit it big, just abandon those nerds! Write about something sensational, like the occult!

And once you’ve got everyone’s attention, tear it all to shreds! Cut through the paranormal bullshit in your own cool, classy style!

From there, you invite the readers to join in and make a mess of the so-called news and its shady evidence, faked photographs, and terrible testimonies…


ffs, are you trying to create a ghost town here?? How am I gonna tell the Basariters to rip it apart if there’s no place for ‘em to do that?

Replies from the world outside are the life of every blog! The impassioned audience butts heads, starts flame wars, and makes things lively and interesting!

This site’s staff’s incompetence makes me want to butt heads with a wall right now rofl

Well, it seems I’ve got my work cut out for me lolololol this site’s a shitty mess lolol but rest assured the NEET God’ll give it the facelift it needs ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙

Like I said before, I’ll be the shining beacon of hope yadda yadda new age yadda yadda make this site great etc. etc. and cheers to that, lol

Now, to look into those affiliates… (¬_¬;) a God’s gotta eat, ya know!

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