MAGES. art director and designer Fumihiro Kitahara teased yesterday that his work on the upcoming Science Adventure title, Anonymous;Code, has “nearly reached its climax.”
His Tweet’s text reads as follows in English: “It’s been a long time since I’ve last posted on here. As you can see from the image below, work on Anonymous;Code has (in terms of what I’m responsible for) nearly reached its climax! My workload is so terrifyingly great that even my liver itself is asking for the bottle. I’m feeling fired up!”
久々の投稿です。ご覧の通り、(北原の担当箇所に関しては)そこそこ佳境です。恐ろしい仕事量に肝臓も酔いを求めております。燃える気持ちです! #アノニマス・コード #アノコ
— 北原史尋 (@kitaharafumi) April 21, 2021
The text in the image, which is spoken by Anonymous;Code protagonist Pollon Takaoka, reads, “Work on Anonymous;Code has nearly reached its climax!”
As always, we will keep you updated as more information arises on the development of Anonymous;Code.