A new report from COLOPL, the parent company behind MAGES., seems to have indirectly confirmed that Anonymous;Code will not meet its previously projected release window of Fall 2021.
The aforementioned report is part of a series of quarterly updates posted by COLOPL for the purpose of keeping their investors updated on the state of the company. As noted by page 26 of the report, COLOPL intends to release the previously announced rhythm game “TIMINGooo!,” as well as “Laid-Back Camp: Have a nice day!” on consoles via MAGES.—the developer of both games. Nowhere to be seen in the report, however, is Anonymous;Code, suggesting that the title will not see an official release in the coming months.

It’s fair to say that the writing was on the wall; MAGES. has historically used the few months leading up to a major game’s release to advertise on social media, television, and Japanese news outlets. However, Anonymous;Code has not received any major marketing pushes since the release of its latest trailer in October 2020—the same trailer in which the the Fall 2021 projection was initially provided.
With MAGES. showing no sign of ramping up their marketing for Anonymous;Code at present, it seems all but certain that the title will not meet the Fall 2021 release window, which will end next month. Should this come to be the case, Anonymous;Code will once again be in the nebulous position of not having a confirmed release period—until an official update is provided, at the least.
Thanks, Sharingan123412.