Per their official Twitter account, MAGES. has unveiled a new, upcoming live event: MAGES;FES, the first program of its kind since 2020’s SciADV Live.
The event, to be hosted on January 29, 2023 at the Toyosu PIT venue, will be comprised of a concert featuring various Science Adventure series vocalists, as well as a talk show-esque segment featuring four SciADV voice actors.

Standard tickets to the event will be priced at 11,000 yen, while tickets including a program-exclusive T-shirt will be priced at 13,200 yen. Two ticket preorder periods are planned: the first between November 11 and November 20, 2022, and the second between November 25 and December 4, 2022.
The following vocalists and vocal groups are set to perform during the concert segment:
- Asaka
- Ayane
- Kanako Itou
- cadode
- Afilia Saga
- Zwei
- Yumi Matsuzawa
The following voice actors are set to appear during the talk-show segment:
- Asami Imai (CV: Kurisu Makise)
- Tomokazu Seki (CV: Itaru Hashida)
- Kaori Nazuka (CV: Frau Koujiro)
- Shouya Chiba (CV: Pollon Takaoka)
The event website hints that the gathering of the SciADV series’ three prominent hackers—in reference to Itaru, Frau, and Pollon—during the talk-show segment may lead to some noteworthy occurrence; specifics, however, are currently unavailable.
Photography, audio recordings, and video recordings will not be allowed during the course of the program. The program itself is expected to begin at 5 PM JST on the day of.
Of some note—although this leans into speculation—is the coincidence between the date of the event, January 29, and the in-universe birthdate of series character Ayase “FES” Kishimoto. FES’s voice actor, Yui Sakakibara, has contributed much to the SciADV series’ overall discography, though she is curiously absent from the MAGES;FES vocalist list. Whether these overlapping factors are mere coincidence, or otherwise, part and parcel of some surprise reveal, remains to be seen.
We will strive to keep you updated as more information arises on this upcoming live event.