MAGES.’ Chiyomaru Shikura resigns as chairman, representative director; retained as executive producer

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UPDATE: A new announcement posted on MAGES.’ official website confirms Shikura will be retained as an executive producer at the company.

Per Twitter, Chiyomaru Shikura has formally announced his resignation as chairman and representative director of MAGES. In addition to these roles, Shikura was best known as one of the chief creative forces behind the Science Adventure series’ development at MAGES., among the company’s various other projects.

Via his initial Tweet, Shikura’s decision to step down seems to have stemmed from the expiration of his term of office. Shikura expresses his sincerest gratitude toward MAGES.’ staff, related parties, and fans of his projects, all of whom he says have been a substantial support to him since the company’s foundation.

Shikura explains in a follow-up Tweet, however, that he still feels he has a bit more work he’d like to do as a creative in the times to come. With this in mind, Shikura notes that he is in ongoing discussions with staff at MAGES. to potentially establish a new position for him at the company, with his creative offerings as the primary focus.

We will strive to keep you updated as further details arise.

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