As initially shared by an eagle-eyed fan, the Robotics;Notes manga series has recently been listed for preorder on various storefronts. Though not yet confirmed by its publisher, UDON Entertainment, the following tentative release dates are listed:
- Volume 1: October 31, 2023 (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, RightStuf)
- Volume 2: January 2, 2024 (Amazon, Barnes & Noble)
- Volume 3: February 27, 2024 (Amazon, Barnes & Noble)
Moreover, tentative covers for all three volumes are listed:

As previously announced, UDON Entertainment plans to launch its localization of the original six-volume Robotics;Notes manga as three larger, English-language volumes.
Further details are likely forthcoming via the publisher—we will strive to keep you updated as more information arises. Click here to view our previous reporting on Robotics;Notes.