Stuck on a particular puzzle or two? Trying to get every trophy or achievement? Looking to see everything ANONYMOUS;CODE has to offer? This guide has you covered! But before you get started, there’s something you should know.
Stuck on a particular puzzle or two? Trying to get every trophy or achievement? Looking to see everything ANONYMOUS;CODE has to offer? This guide has you covered!
But before you get started, there’s something you should know.
You don't need this guide. Not right away.
ANONYMOUS;CODE is easy to figure out. Really easy to figure out. It’s so easy, following a guide to get all the answers will kill a good chunk of what makes this game so fun.
We do not recommend using this guide as you play the game. Don’t worry—we promise you won’t get lost without it.
Instead, here is when we do recommend using this guide:
- While playing, you are completely stuck on how to proceed. This is rare.
- You have already finished the game and want to view optional content you might have missed.
- You have already finished the game and want to unlock any achievements/trophies you might have missed.
This is your journey. In this meta visual novel, you yourself will be working together with the protagonist to cross the the finish line. With a bit of ingenuity, finding your own path forward and beating the game will be a piece of cake. Best of luck, Anon.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
This chapter does not require any choices. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
(Guide note: You can click/tap a checkbox to mark it as complete. Note that this page will not save checked boxes if you close it.)
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter (Steam and PlayStation only).
Chapter 2
Partway into this chapter, you will receive access to the “Hacking Trigger” mechanic. This will allow you to propose to Pollon that he “Load” one of his Save files. Press Z/C or middle mouse button on PC, L2/R2 on PlayStation, or ZL/ZR on Switch to activate the Hacking Trigger.

While Pollon and Momo are hiding from the Cyber Force Dolls inside the worker prefab, when Pollon says, “Come on, Pollon, think!” activate the Hacking Trigger to progress.
- Achievement or trophy unlocked for activating the Hacking Trigger here.
After Pollon returns to the fire, he will prompt you to bring up the Load screen (“If you are, why don’tcha get that Load screen up like before?“) You may choose whether or not to do so.
While at the shopping arcade so Momo can buy new clothes, when Momo says, “I’m glad to hear that. Let’s go,” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for an optional bonus scene.
While at the Chinese restaurant, when the narration reads, “Oh man. I should’ve ordered that too…” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for an optional bonus scene.
While at Symphony, when Dub calls about repair costs and Pollon says, “Shit, I don’t have that kind of cash…” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger before Dub hangs up. This will put Pollon on the path to the optional Conclusion (bad ending) No. 02, which occurs partway into Chapter 3 after Pollon borrows Cross’s graper.
- Achievement or trophy unlocked for seeing this Conclusion.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, you have one of two options.
- Path 1: Return to the scene where Dub calls Pollon about repair costs by loading the autosave, “Yo, Pollon and Cross. This is Tabuchi Motors.” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
- Path 2: Choose, once again, to activate the Hacking Trigger when Dub calls Pollon about repair costs, and then activate the Trigger again when Cross says, “Maybe you shouldn’t have told him how much money you won. Not that you can do anything about it now…” for an optional bonus scene.
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 3
After the countdown timer is added to the screen, when the narration reads, “We just had to work with what we were given,” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 01.
To avoid this Conclusion and continue the story, load the autosave, “I’ll need your power, so you better not take it away before I’m done.” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
After Pollon calls Oz about the captain’s BMI password, when the narration reads, “Man, this wasn’t the time for his vague bullshit. He could’ve just said yes or no. Adults are such a pain in the ass,” (Countdown timer: 37 minutes), you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for an optional bonus scene with new CGs.
While Pollon is riding his graper and talking to Wind and Yomi, when the narration reads, “But we weren’t sure the hint was legit, so maybe ignoring would be better?” (Countdown timer: 33 minutes), you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 03.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “Looking for ways to open a new channel, I checked the articles I’d[…]” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
If you continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this, you will reach the optional Conclusion No. 04.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “Firing system, all good!” This time, when Pollon says, “And to save them, we had to start by getting the flight path,” (Countdown timer: 3 minutes), activate the Hacking Trigger.
In the scene with the train, when the narration reads, “Weren’t we in a room just now? […]” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 05.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “I finished setting up the app and created a backdoor exclusive to[…]” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger during the train scene.
While talking to Momo and Cross after the train scene about how to buy more time, continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger to reach the optional Conclusion No. 06.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “I finished setting up the app and created a backdoor exclusive to[…]” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “I had to avoid JUNO and get that flight path, once and for all.” (Countdown timer: 21 minutes)
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 4
When you reach the bayside park in Odaiba with Momo, there will be two different versions of the rest of this scene based on whether or not you choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. It’s up to you which one you choose to read—they both lead to the same end result.
- Path 1: Read through the scene without activating the Hacking Trigger.
- Path 2: When the narration reads, “There was no point regretting it, but…man, did I regret it,” activate the Hacking Trigger. This version of the scene contains additional backstory and a new CG.
At Oz’s office, when Pollon answers Liddie’s math question incorrectly and the narration reads, “It was a pretty old brain teaser too. I would’ve gotten the right door if I’d known about it…” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for an optional bonus scene.
While outside the convenience store talking to Nonno, when the narration reads, “Who’d even thought of random bonuses? What a cruel world,” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for an optional bonus scene.
- Achievement or trophy unlocked for viewing this scene.
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 5
While inside JINN talking to Cross, Oz, and Kaoru, when the narration reads, “What I needed to do was…” (Card: 27/51), you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 07.
- Achievement or trophy unlocked for seeing this Conclusion.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “So what was the right plan of action here?” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
Continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 08.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “So what was the right plan of action here?” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “All I knew was that he’d left JINN.” (Count: 29/51)
After a fair bit of reading, the count will read 46/51. You can continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 09.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “I felt something was off the moment I stepped inside.” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “And if he couldn’t move, we could get the parent device off him.” (Count: 50/51)
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 6
After a fair bit of reading, it will be Christmas day in-game. When Pollon talks to Wind about Christmas presents, there will be three different versions of the rest of this scene based on whether or not you activate the Hacking Trigger. It’s up to you which one you choose to read.
- Path 1: Read through the scene without activating the Hacking Trigger.
- Path 2: When Pollon says, “Shit. How did I forget such an important event?” activate the Hacking Trigger. If you choose this path, there will be some additional, related text in the scene at the sunmall after the concert.
- Path 3: When Pollon says, “Shit. How did I forget such an important event?” activate the Hacking Trigger. Then, activate the Hacking Trigger again when the narration reads, “I hurriedly picked up the necklace Momo had dropped on the floor” for an optional bonus scene.
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 7
While at Symphony talking to Cross and Wind about the new quest, when the narration reads, “Could we…make it?” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 10.
- Achievement or trophy and an additional CG unlocked for seeing this Conclusion.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “I drank some 7cup to stop myself getting pissed off.” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
While a member of the Holy Office charges at you outside the Egg Tower (Counter: 30), when the narration reads, “Could I even get away?” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger for a brief optional bonus scene.
When Pollon reaches the Crater reconstruction site, continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point reach the optional Conclusion No. 11.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “After arriving at the Shinjuku Crater’s reconstruction site[…]” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “Hairs stood up all over my body,” (Counter: 17).
Continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 12.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “Hnnh… Hahh… hghh…” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “I had to think. Which path would lead us to victory?“
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 8
While talking to Cross and Momo at the bayside park in Odaiba (across from GAI Institution), when the narration reads, “We didn’t know the exact time [she] would die, so for all I knew, it was the exact moment the date changed,” you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 13.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “Ngh, damn, it’s cold…” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
(There will be a fair bit of reading between the above Trigger and this one.) While outside the Cradle at GAI Institution, when the narration reads, “I could end up losing my shot at stopping the End,” (after Pollon has already Loaded a number of times), you may choose to activate the Hacking Trigger. This leads to the optional Conclusion No. 14.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “Tell me what you want, intruders.” This time, do not activate the Hacking Trigger.
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 9
While at the scene at the harbor where Pollon and Momo are figuring out how to get to Nakano, continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point to reach the optional Conclusion No. 15.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “The breakwater was completely destroyed.” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “It was gonna crash into us!“
Continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 16.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “That was why we had to use the Tokyo Harbor Tunnel.” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when the narration reads, “I was overwhelmed in seconds by the ice-cold water” while inside the tunnel.
Continue reading without activating the Hacking Trigger at any point after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 17.
To avoid this Conclusion and progress the story, load the autosave, “The chopper hovered upwards.” This time, activate the Hacking Trigger when Graham says, “We can’t! Brace for impact!“
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
Chapter 10
When Pollon reaches the piazza (Countdown: 3:17), if you continue reading without doing anything, you will eventually reach the optional Conclusion No. 18.
Progressing past this Conclusion may seem difficult, but the answer is in sight. Give it some thought, especially the hint screen the Conclusion provides. If you still can’t figure it out, here’s the solution.
Load the autosave, “The end was near.”
Create your own Save when Pollon says, “It’s like someone’s warning me… I have a bad feeling about this,” then continue reading.
Load the autosave, “The end was near.”
Create your own Save when Pollon says, “It’s like someone’s warning me… I have a bad feeling about this,” then continue reading.
Continue reading without doing anything after this to reach the optional Conclusion No. 19.
Create a Save when Pollon says, “Anon, Save!”
Load the autosave, “Ahaha?!” if you need to return to this scene.
Create a Save when Pollon says, “Anon! Save!” Load the autosave, “Ahaha?!” if you need to return to this scene.
After the Manga Trigger with Pollon and Asuma, open the backlog to see some extra narration that isn’t otherwise shown.
Continue reading without doing anything after this to reach ANONYMOUS;CODE’s normal ending. Cue the credits.
Achievement or trophy unlocked for completing this chapter.
The next section details how to reach ANONYMOUS;CODE’s true ending.
True Ending
Activate the Hacking Trigger during the countdown to the end. If you need to return to this scene, load the autosave, “…”
Achievement/trophy unlocked for making this decision.
Activate the Hacking Trigger during the countdown to the end. If you need to return to this scene, load the autosave, “…”
Achievement/trophy unlocked for making this decision.
After the initial scene in front of Incarnation, you can find five new Saves created by Pollon in your Load menu. These Saves correspond to optional bonus scenes that are recommended reading. Each scene unlocks one achievement/trophy for a total of five.
- (On PC, to open the pause menu after a scene has ended, press the “1” key.)
After the initial scene in front of Incarnation, you can find five new Saves created by Pollon in your Load menu. These Saves correspond to optional bonus scenes that are recommended reading. Each scene unlocks one achievement/trophy for a total of five.
- (On PC, to open the pause menu after a scene has ended, press the “1” key.)
Sit back and enjoy the ride. If you’re completely stumped on what to do for Pollon’s request, view the next spoiler section.
What symbolizes Momo? When you think about it, it’s been in front of you the whole time.
Pause the game and start up the Life Game minigame. If you need help, open “Menu” and check the Help section.
- (To pause the game on PC, press the “1” key.)
What symbolizes Momo? When you think about it, it’s been in front of you the whole time.
Pause the game and start up the Life Game minigame. If you need help, open “Menu” and check the Help section.
- (To pause the game on PC, press the “1” key.)
Two story achievements/trophies unlocked for completing the true ending.
Now that you’ve completed ANONYMOUS;CODE, you may be interested in if it has anything else to offer.
- If you attempt to activate the Hacking Trigger when Pollon doesn’t want to, he will close the Load screen and rebuke you. Oftentimes, what he says to you is directly related to what’s happening in the story.
- At many points in the story, Pollon will Load a Save of his own accord, without your interference. Sometimes, you can preempt this by activating the Hacking Trigger a few lines before he does. Pollon may comment on this, e.g., “You thought the same thing, huh?”
- Deciding to, or not to view an optional bonus scene may minorly affect later story events. For instance, in Chapter 2, whether or not you choose to have Pollon win the MiniLotto (as well as avoid Conclusion No. 02) will affect how he approaches getting Nonno a PaoPa in Chapter 4.
- In case you missed it in the True Ending section: there are five, optional new saves available on the Load screen after the first scene of the true ending. We recommend reading these for additional story context.
- A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO EARTH SIMULATOR, included with the digital deluxe edition of ANONYMOUS;CODE, features additional insights and creator interviews. Give it a read if you can; it might confirm some of your theories.
- SOUND DATA LOG, also included with the digital deluxe edition, includes comments on each music track of the game from the composer, Takeshi Abo.
- Note that these comments are unavailable in the PC version.
Achievement/trophy cleanup
Here is a list of all achievements/trophies and how to unlock them, for reference purposes. Note that this section contains spoilers for the entire game.
- A World-Changing Encounter: Complete Chapter 1.
- Welcome to Nakano Symphonies: Complete Chapter 2.
- Hacking Trigger: Activate the Hacking Trigger while hiding inside the worker prefab in Chapter 2.
- Game of Life: Play with the “Life Game” BMI app.
- Failure: See your first Conclusion.
- Wipeout: See Conclusion No. 02.
- A World-First Achievement: Complete Chapter 3.
- PaoPaoPaoPa: Help Nonno get a PaoPa in Chapter 4.
- A Stolen Face: Complete Chapter 4.
- Flashback: See Conclusion No. 07.
- Flames Extinguished: Complete Chapter 5.
- Merry Christmas: Complete Chapter 6.
- Cracked!: See Conclusion No. 10.
- Cicada 3301’s Chosen: Complete Chapter 7.
- Collapsing Laws: Complete Chapter 8.
- Hackers are Wizards!: Complete Chapter 9.
- Failure After Failure: See every Conclusion.
- Beyond the End: Complete Chapter 10.
- The Decision: Activate the Hacking Trigger during the countdown to the end.
- The Exemplary Solution to the Nakano Chase: View the first bonus Save in the True Ending.
- Pollon the Savior: View the second extra Save in the True Ending.
- A Second Christmas: View the third extra Save in the True Ending.
- Felino’s End: View the fourth extra Save in the True Ending.
- Miori Soga’s Survival: View the fifth extra Save in the True Ending.
- Galaxy: Input what symbolizes Momo in the True Ending.
- Hacking into God: Complete Chapter 11.
- CG Completion 25%: Fill 25% of the CG album.
- CG Completion 50%: Fill 50% of the CG album.
- CG Completion 75%: Fill 75% of the CG album.
- CG Completion 100%: Fill 100% of the CG album.
- Perfectionist: Attain all achievements/trophies in ANONYMOUS;CODE.