SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky Route Guide

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The following is a guide to completing MAGES.’ SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky and achieving all possible endings.

SINce Memories is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation platforms. You can also read our review of the game here.

This guide is based on Seiya-Saiga’s Japanese guide to the game. Give them a visit to show your thanks!

Before You Begin

This game features multiple endings. When you restart the game to unlock new endings, you may occasionally encounter “read” text, or text that you have already read. This is indicated by a lit icon on the screen.

Instead of rereading large amounts of text you’ve already seen, you can use the skip feature. On PC, this is activated by pressing E on the keyboard. On consoles/controllers, this is activated by pressing the right shoulder button.

Avoid using the force skip feature, which requires you to hold the Ctrl key on PC and the left shoulder button on consoles/controllers. This will skip all text, regardless of if it’s been read or not.

Common Route

When you begin playing SINce Memories, make the following choices to proceed:

Chapter 1:

Um, are you sure you’re okay?
You mean a technological update?
If only Aino-chan were my little sister.
Look for Chihaya.

Chapter 2:

Oh, was he talking about the estate renovations?
It’s not our place to interfere.
Yeah… That’s me.
You should buy them as a set.
Her legs…
Maybe she was a customer of Suigendo?
I would love to.

Chapter 3:

I promise.
Could you ask your grandfather?
Invite her inside again.
I guess I don’t mind…
Are you all right? Want to talk about it?

When you’re asked to choose between Chihaya and Chunyu, save the game in slot 01 and lock it. This will be referred to later as Save 01. (You can save in another slot if you want, but you will need to keep track of which saves are which as the guide progresses.)

Chunyu Route

In the choice between Chihaya and Chunyu, choose Chunyu, then continue reading.

Chapter 4:

A date at an art museum is pretty fancy, huh?
Talk to her.

At the selection between “I’m sorry for meddling.” and “Chun, you’re being rude!”, save in slot 02 and lock it.
Select “I’m sorry for meddling.” to see your first bad ending, “Another Step Off.”
Then load Save 02 and select “Chun, you’re being rude!” to continue.

Chapter 5:

Is there some secret to a successful negotiation?
I want to hear you sing.
Run up to the stage.

Chapter 6:

Did you get more records?

At the selection between “Break up their fight.” and “Just watch,” save in slot 03 and lock it.
Select “Break up their fight.” to see the bad ending “Careless Words and Deeds.”
Then load Save 03 and select “Just watch.” to continue.

When asked to choose between Chunyu and Yuriko, save in slot 04 and lock it. Choose Chunyu to continue on to her route. We will use Save 04 later to start Yuriko’s route.

Chapter 7:

I believe in Chun.
Even so, I had already formally accepted her request.

Chapter 8:

S-Sorry! It was an accident!
No, that’s a huge problem!

Chapter 9:

It’s okay. I know you can write lyrics, Chun.
We may not mean “like” in the same way
Symbols are symbols, not friendship itself.

Chapter 10:

They seemed like something you’d write.

At the selection between “Wh-What made you think that?!” and “…”, save in slot 05 and lock it.
Select “Wh-What made you think that?!” to see Chunyu’s normal ending, “The Form of SUKI.”
Then load Save 05 and select “…” to see Chunyu’s best ending, “The Form of SUKI -BEST-.”

Yuriko Route

Load Save 04, which we made while getting onto Chunyu’s route. Choose Yuriko to continue on to her route.

Chapter 7:

Stay strong, Yuriko-san!
She’s the most stubborn and passionate person I know.
Even so, you’ll choose to sing.
But, you’re different now, Yuriko-san.

Chapter 8:

Why don’t we take a quick break?
I might have felt that way originally…

Chapter 9:

How horrible! I’ll give them an earful.
There’s no way she’d give up now.

At the selection between “I want to support Yurika Ayase’s growth.” and “I want to be by Yuriko-chan’s side to support her,” save in slot 06 and lock it.
Select “I want to be by Yuriko-chan’s side to support her.” to see Yuriko’s normal ending, “To Be Myself.”
Then load Save 06 and select “I want to support Yurika Ayase’s growth.” to see Yuriko’s best ending, “To Be Myself -BEST-.”

Hinata Route

Load Save 01. This is the save we made toward the beginning of the game when you had to choose between Chihaya and Chunyu. This time, choose Chihaya. Then, make the following choices to proceed:

Chapter 4:

Sure, that’s fine.

When asked to choose between Chihaya and Hinata, save in slot 07 and lock it. Choose Hinata to continue on to her route. We will use Save 07 later to start Chihaya’s and Azusa’s routes.

Chapter 5:

Hinata, it’s your turn to take a step forward.

At the selection between “Let’s think this through together.” and “This is your decision. Get a grip,” save in slot 08 and lock it.
Select “Let’s think this through together.” to see the bad ending “Apple of Discord.”
Then load Save 08 and select “This is your decision. Get a grip.” to continue.

Chapter 6:

I prefer Hinata this way.
Fashionable eyewear.
It’s my way of saying thanks for everything.
I hope you’ll rely on others a little more.

Chapter 7:

Don’t say that when you’re about to cry.
I’ll go with you.

At the selection between “Contact Hinata’s house.” and “Join the group chat,” save in slot 09 and lock it.
Select “Contact Hinata’s house.” to see the bad ending “The Nightmare Comes Again.”
Then load Save 09 and select “Join the group chat.” to continue.

Is there something we can do?

At the selection between “Signal Jin-san with your eyes.” and “Barge your way in,” save in slot 10 and lock it.
Select “Barge your way in.” to see Hinata’s normal ending, “Great Escape.”
Then load Save 10 and select “Signal Jin-san with your eyes.” to continue to Hinata’s best ending.

Chapter 8:

Please give Chihaya to me.
Yeah… Do your best

From here, you will achieve Hinata’s best ending, “The Future is in My Hands.”

Chihaya Route

Load Save 07. This is the save we made before beginning Hinata’s route when you had to choose between Chihaya and Hinata. This time, choose Chihaya. Then, make the following choices to proceed:

Chapter 6:

When asked to choose between Chihaya and Azusa, save in slot 11 and lock it. Choose Chihaya to continue on to her route. We will use Save 11 later to start Azusa’s route.

Chapter 7:

I was prepared for that.

Chapter 8:

I need to return the favor.

Chapter 9:

At the selection between “Put my hand on Chihaya’s.” and “Gaze into Chihaya’s eyes,” save in slot 12 and lock it.
Select “Gaze into Chihaya’s eyes.” to see Chihaya’s normal ending, “A New Step.”
Then load Save 12 and select “Put my hand on Chihaya’s.” to see Chihaya’s best ending, “Welcome to the Starry Sky.”

Azusa Route

Load Save 11. This is the save we made during Chihaya’s route when you had to choose between Chihaya and Azusa. This time, choose Azusa. Then, make the following choices to proceed:

Chapter 8:

I need to thank you as well.

Chapter 9:

At the selection between “Put a hand on her back.” and “Watch in silence,” save in slot 13 and lock it.
Select “Watch in silence.” to see Azusa’s normal ending, “Off the Starry Sky.”
Then load Save 13 and select “Put a hand on her back.” to see Azusa’s best ending, “Off the Starry Sky: Best.”

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