Ever17, Never7 Double Pack: 3,000+ physical sales over first three days

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As initially reported by Gematsu, estimated physical game sales data for the period of March 3 to March 9 has been published by Famitsu. This includes a figure for MAGES.’ recently released Ever17/Never7 Double Pack.

The physical double pack, released exclusively for Nintendo Switch, collected both Never7 and its successor, Ever17, in one package. A limited edition was also released featuring a DVD containing the soundtracks for both games.

According to Famitsu, the Ever17/Never7 Double Pack sold 3,041 physical copies between its March 6 release date and March 9. For reference, here are previous launch-period Japanese physical sales for MAGES. games:

  • Anonymous;Code (2022): 10,146 copies sold over four days on two platforms
  • Robotics;Notes DaSH (2019): 7,194+ copies sold over four days on two platforms; does not account for Elite + DaSH bundle sales, which reportedly sold over 4,360 copies combined
  • Steins;Gate Elite (2018): 30,442 copies sold over four days on three platforms
  • Occultic;Nine (2017): 10,441+ copies sold over four days on two platforms; does not account for unmeasured Xbox One sales
  • Chaos;Child Love Chu☆Chu!! (2017): 6,240+ copies sold over four days on one platform; does not account for unmeasured PlayStation 4 sales
  • Steins;Gate 0 (2015) 85,547 copies sold over four days on three platforms

Additional information:

  • Famitsu’s data only accounts for physical sales. Whereas previous MAGES. games may have been sold physically on multiple platforms, the Ever17/Never7 Double Pack was sold physically only on the Nintendo Switch. The game was made available digitally on PlayStation 4, PC via Steam, and Nintendo Switch.
  • MAGES. CEO Makoto Asada reported in 2021 that digital purchases accounted for roughly 30% of MAGES.’ sales; it is not known if this figure has grown, stabilized, or decreased in the years since.
  • Ever17 and Never7 were released in English and Chinese on the same day as the Japanese release, likely further bolstering sales.

We will strive to keep you updated as more information arises on MAGES.’ upcoming releases. Readers interested in the Infinity series can view our Ever17 and Never7 reviews here and here.

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