Never7 – The End of Infinity Completion Guide

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The following is a guide to completing Never7 – The End of Infinity in the optimal route order and achieving all endings.

Never7 – The End of Infinity is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4, both individually and in a discounted double pack with its successor, Ever17 – The Out of Infinity. You can also read our review of the game here.

Yuka-sensei's Preface

So, you’ve decided to play Never7, huh? Can’t blame you—who wouldn’t want to play a game with yours truly in it?

…Kidding, just kidding. Before you get started, here’s a quick lesson from Yuka-sensei (that’s me!) on how to use this guide.

  • While you follow this guide, at times, you will be told to save in specific save slots. This is so you can load those saves later to achieve different endings.
    • You’ll need 13 open slots for these saves. To make things simple, I would use slots 001 through 013—these are on pages 1 through 3 of the save menu.
    • When you’re done playing for the day and want to save your progress for next time, it’s a good idea to save on a different page. Page 7 might be a lucky pick!
  • When you’re aiming for a new ending, you can use the “skip” feature to skip text you’ve already read. On PC, press “E,” or use the right shoulder button on controllers.
    • Careful not to use force skip! By holding the Ctrl key or the left shoulder button, you’ll skip all text, whether you’ve read it or not.
  • This guide has checkboxes next to each choice—this way, you can track what you’ve done and what’s coming up. But these checkmarks won’t be saved if you close or refresh the page, so don’t forget where you left off!

And that should cover everything, at least for now! See you soon—and I hope you enjoy Never7!

Yuka Route Good End

Aw, I’m flattered you chose me first! If I were to list my good traits… I’m funny, a great chef, and the life of a party!

Begin a new game, then make the following choices to proceed:

‘Is something the matter?’
Start thinking about random things.
Try some other words.
Recall what happened last night.
“Yuka, you can cook?”
I’ll support Haruka here.
What’s a ‘seminar’ anyway?

At the next choice, create a save in slot 001. This will be referred to as Save 001 later.

I’ll play tennis with Yuka.
Lob it
Go for a drop shot.
Free choice.
Free choice.
Free choice.
It’s your fault in the first place.
‘Quit beating around the bush.’
‘Yeah, you’re right.’
But I don’t hesitate to reply.
I won’t defend Okuhiko.

At the next choice, create a save in slot 002. This will be referred to as Save 002 later.

You’re going shopping with me.
‘You’re too heavy…’
‘I wonder?’
Silently gaze at Haruka’s face.
Bluntly say, ‘I had a premonition,’
‘You don’t have to worry about it.’
I want to swim like crazy.
Grab it.
I’m mad.
Talk about ‘premonitions’ again.
Go to Haruka and Okuhiko.
Pray for their safety.
(What could that mean…)
Don’t go.
‘You don’t… have a heart?’
‘… W-well, yeah.’
I have no words.
I haven’t.
H… how to answer?
‘That was…’
Forcefully restrain Saki.
‘Saki…! What have you done…’
‘Don’t worry about it.’
Free choice.
Go rock
Free choice.
Free choice.
Silently take Yuka’s hand.
‘I’m not a kid.’
‘La-dee-dah𝅘𝅥𝅮’ Start to sing.
Be gentle at first.
‘I didn’t ask you!’
Cherry Blossom Viewing
Free choice.
Free choice.
Free choice.

(There is a fair amount of reading until the next choice.)

Free choice. (When Okuhiko asks what day it is.)
I don’t.
Just stay like this.
Hot springs? Too much trouble.
Only choice is the hot springs.
I don’t know.

At the next choice, create Save 003.

Go help.
I won’t go back to the past anymore.

Yuka Route Bad End

Load Save 003.
Stop talking about him!

Note: After you complete Yuka’s route, “Append Story,” aka Yuka Cure, is unlocked on the main menu. This covers Yuka’s route from Yuka’s perspective.

You can choose to read this story at any time, but we don’t recommend reading it right away—unless you really liked Yuka’s route.

Yuka Cure Route Good End 1

I guess it’s time for round two, huh? I’ve always wanted to step into those big ol’ protagonist shoes.

From the main menu, select “APPEND STORY” to begin reading Yuka Cure. Then make the following choices:

Silence Makoto.
Stop him, no matter what.
Carry Saki.
Plan to let go.
I don’t.

At the next choice, create Save 012.

First, look for the bell.

At the next choice, create Save 013.

In the art room.
We could be together forever…!

Yuka Cure Route Good End 2

Load Save 012.

First, shopping.
In the art room.
We could be together forever…!

Yuka Cure Route Bad End

Load Save 013.

In front of a burning building.

Haruka Route Good End

She might seem all quiet and cold, but trust me—Haruka is secretly a riot! You just have to get her to open up a little.

Load Save 001.

I want to go to the sea too.
Try to put my feelings into words.
Ask her honestly. ‘You like ’em?’
I fall silent.
‘Wait, I can explain…’
That’s rude, isn’t it?
I call out to Haruka.
‘Things can’t be like this.’
‘I wonder?’
I ask, ‘Does that feel good?’

At the next choice, create Save 004.

‘There’s an earthquake coming!!’
Bluntly say, ‘I had a premonition,’
‘You don’t have to worry about it.’
I feel like going on the slide.
‘I get it…’
How do you spend your days off?
‘I really do.’
What’s your favorite food?
Because I’m interested in you.
Talk about ‘premonitions’ again.
Go to Haruka and Okuhiko
Jump in to rescue them.
(What could that mean…)
Don’t go.
‘I-I’ll teach you.’
‘… Me.’
‘Yeah. You kept it, Haruka.’
‘That’s not true, Haruka.’
I have.
That’s not really it…
‘That was…’
Forcefully restrain Saki.
‘Saki…! What have you done…’
‘Honestly…, I was a bit surprised.’
Free choice.
Go paper
‘Whew’ Sit on the edge.
‘I didn’t ask you!’
‘I bet they do.’
Reach a hand out to Haruka.
I don’t mind…
‘Of course.’
Free choice.
Lead Haruka away.
‘Haruka and I trust each other.’
I have a bit of a headache.
Free choice.
Free choice.
Free choice.

At the next choice, create Save 005.

Protect the puppy!
Head for the lodge.
Ask Okuhiko
To find me…?
Free choice.
Free choice.
Free choice.
Idiot! You’re gonna let her down?
Free choice.
I won’t give up until it’s over!!

Haruka Route Bad End

Load Save 005.

No! Hold Haruka down!

Saki Route Good End

Oooh, that Saki! She’s so arrogant, sometimes I just wanna scream at her! But I’m sure somewhere deep down, she’s a good girl at heart… 

Load Save 002.

That’s rude, isn’t it?
I call out to Saki.
Think mischievous thoughts.
I try smiling a little.
I thought I might faint.
‘You’re right.’
Silently gaze at Haruka’s face.
‘There’s an earthquake coming!!’
Bluntly say, ‘I had a premonition,’
‘You don’t have to worry about it.’
I’m thirsty.
An abrupt self-introduction?
Beer will do.
Talk about ‘premonitions’ again.
Go to Kurumi and Saki
Pray for their safety.
‘What the hell?’
Tag along.
She wants to stay silent, fine.
‘You don’t… have a heart?’
‘… W-well, yeah.’
I have no words.
H… how to answer?
‘That was…’
Forcefully restrain Saki.
‘Saki…! What have you done…’
‘Don’t worry about it.’
Free choice.
I really am concerned about Saki.
Sneak in.
Repair the basket and return it.
‘Take it by hand.’
Free choice.
Use my foot to trip her.
‘I wonder?’
‘No… I don’t.’
Tell the truth.
Jump into the sea.
Invite Haruka for fishing as planned.
Explain the situation.

At the next choice, create Save 006.

Saki didn’t steal our stuff!
I don’t need you trust me.

Saki Route Bad End

Load Save 006.

I don’t know…

Kurumi Route Good End

Kurumi-chan is sooo cute! She’s like a little squirrel—sometimes I just wanna pinch her cheeks! Oh, but don’t tell her I said that!

Load Save 004.

Rush towards the two of them.
Vaguely describe it.
I’m worried about her too, actually.
Follow Kurumi.
Try to deflect things smoothly.
Go to Kurumi and Saki
Jump in to rescue them.
(What could that mean…)
Don’t go.
‘You don’t… have a heart?’
‘… W-well, yeah.’
I have no words.
I haven’t.
H… how to answer?
‘Was because you asked me to kiss you…’
Try to calm Saki down.
Rush to Kurumi’s side.
‘Don’t worry about it.’
Free choice.
It’s not bad.
‘Kurumi… what’s going on?’
I’d help.
Hear her out.
Hear her out.
Hear her out.
Luna Beach.
Wanna come too, Kurumi?
Free choice.
Free choice.
Free choice. (When Kurumi asks why sea water is salty.)
Free choice. (When Kurumi wants you to join her for crab sumo.)
Free choice. (While doing origami with Kurumi.)
Free choice. (When Kurumi shows up with pizza.)

At the next choice, create Save 007.

Ignore her and get up.
Tell her about time travel.
To the shrine.

Kurumi Route Bad End

Load Save 007.

Tell her everything.
Find another way to explain…

Izumi Cure Route A (Good End)

Okay, I’ll admit Izumi-san is a pretty good cook—but I wish you guys would leave some room for my cooking, too!

Load Save 001.

I want to go to the sea too.
‘I wanted to see the ocean too.’
No way…
I fall silent.
I won’t defend Okuhiko.
‘With pleasure♪’
You’re going shopping with me.
She’s so damn carefree…
I fainted on the spot.
‘Is all this really okay?’
‘I wonder?’
I ask, ‘Does that feel good?’
Rush towards the two of them.
Bluntly say, ‘I had a premonition,’
‘You don’t have to worry about it.’
I’m gonna dive like a dolphin.
‘A lap pillow!’
‘Damn impressed…’
‘Kurumi’s a mysterious girl, huh.’
Talk about ‘premonitions’ again.
Go to Haruka and Okuhiko
Pray for their safety.
(What could that mean…)
Don’t go.
‘You don’t… have a heart?’
‘… W-well, yeah.’
I have no words.
H… how to answer?
‘That was…’
Try to calm Saki down.
Rush to Kurumi’s side.
‘Don’t worry about it.’
Free choice.
Go rock
‘Bah!’ Continue to soak.
‘I didn’t ask you!’
‘Leave it to me.’

At the next choice, create Save 008.

Go back to the lodge.
Free choice.
Free choice.

(There is a fair amount of reading until the next choice.)

Free choice. (When Kurumi asks if you like water.)

At the next choice, create Save 009.

Tell the whole truth.
Free choice.
I’m not mad.
I do.
Talk about the bell disappearing.

At the next choice, create Save 010.

Stop the car!

Izumi Cure Route Bad End

Load Save 010.

Get her to the side of the road!

Izumi Cure Route B (Normal End)

Load Save 009.

Keep it locked inside.
Free choice.
I’m not mad.
I do.
Don’t talk about it.
I need to save Izumi-san!

Izumi Route Good End

I hope Okuhiko-kun enjoyed his days in the sun, because it’s time for that stuck-up mophead to get his just deserts!

Load Save 008.

Head to the shopping district.
Chase after her.
… Is what I almost say.

At the next choice, create Save 011.

I can’t betray Izumi-san.
Izumi-san is so important to me!
Think strongly of Izumi-san.

Izumi Route Bad End 1

Load Save 011.

Gotta go with self-defense.
Shameful is he who spurns a woman.
Must meet her lips.

Izumi Route Bad End 2

Load Save 011.

Gotta go with self-defense.
Izumi-san is so important to me!
Think strongly of Izumi-san.

Grand Finale (Good End)

We’ve come a long way, haven’t we? Our adventure might end here, but if there’s one thing that’ll last forever, it’s our friendships!

Load Save 010.

Stop the car!
You can use skip mode to skip to the credits—you’ve already read this content. There is new story content after the credits.
Congratulations on beating Never7 – The End of Infinity!

Special Thanks

  • Double Eyepatch, whose original guide served as the base for this version.
  • Phantom, for playtesting and general support.
  • Ryoji (Fuwanovel forums) and, whose guides helped inform the structure of this version.

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